
目前显示的是 九月, 2015的博文

Dongfeng Renault's first SUV

   Koleos and card Bin has been put in the SUV market in China by Renault. Renault Koleos ,which is well known by Chinese. On basis of this, Renault will also put the first domestic SUV.   In Dongfeng Renault 's plan, Wuhan plant will have 150,000 vehicles and 150,000 engines of production capacity, which is expected in 2017 .   Once the wuhan factory build, the complete engine supporting will be also offered on the basis of the production vehicle. It will be 1.4T turbocharged engines and 2.0L naturally aspirated engine .   When Wuhan factory come to service, Dongfeng Renault's first SUV models will be put into operation and equipped with two engines  mentioned above.


     MDI -- US GM offers his special maintenance station using third-generation factory detector ,which can measure all models of the world wide cars after 2008, it is GM's global service stations essential products.  MDI module features: 1. GDS 2 original software, with powerful detection capabilities, can detect the engine, sites, and other body systems. 2. Support all common cars after 2009, including the North American GM, Shanghai GM, Cadillac, saab Saab models 3. Support wired network and wireless network connection, USB connection 4. 2000 - 2012 supports Service Programming Pass-Thru Mode 5.2009 Year Support vehicle diagnostics and online programming 6. shorten repair time programming, GM LAN communication protocols ECU programming time is currently using Tech 2 1/3 7. for new Regal , the new LaCrosse Cruze ,Excelle models throttle reset 8. online match the new Regal, the new LaCrosse Cruze,Excelle car keys (increase or wholly lost all OK) Product N

Chinese military's first brand - Dongfeng

   今天是中国人民的伟大日子,也是全世界热爱和平的人民的伟大日子。让我们向革命先烈致敬,向中华名族致敬,向为人类和平勇敢抗战的英雄们致敬。    今天,在纪念中国人民抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利70周年的神圣时刻,100辆东风汽车承载着360万 十堰 人民的光荣与梦想,顺利通过天安门检阅台,为东风公司服务国防建设增添了浓墨重彩的一笔。    据统计,建厂至今已有超过30万辆 东风 军车为国防服务,在现役部队使用的军车中,东风占据了总量的1/3。40多年来,东风为我军提供了数量最多、质量最优的军车。东风成为名副其实的中国军车第一品牌。                         5 位中将乘 东风猛士 车 帅装备方队接受检阅                         白求恩医疗方队              此防队中有猛士越野车2辆,猛士医疗救护车4辆    据了解,正式通过天安门受阅的地面装备(含轮式、8x8轮式装甲和履带)总计有469台;其中,轮式有317台(东风猛士有87台),8x8轮式装甲和履带有152台。 东风汽车公司生产的100台军车参加了今天的阅兵式,其中东风“猛士”越野车87台、东风EQ2102N军车13台。在此次阅兵车辆装备中,东风生产的约占三分之一,在所有受阅车辆中名列第一,再次向世界展示东风作为中国军车第一品牌的荣耀。   “猛士”学名 东风EQ2050 军用越野车,为轻型4×4驱动,总重量为5吨,最大装载量1.75吨,是一款牵引重量达2吨的军用越野汽车,是一个系列化、多用途、全新三代高技术的基型战术平台。                                      东风猛士

big day for all Chinese

Dear comrades,  tomorrow is the 70th anniversary of the Chinese People's Anti-Japanese War and the World Anti-Fascist War . To enable wide participation in the commemoration of the National People's various departments of the central and regional events, September 3, 2015 the National People will leave one day. Cheer, Chinese ! If you can not find me, do not worry, give me e-mail or leave a message.